Novel Previews: Rift Cursed by Margo Bond Collins

Rift Cursed – Available in Dominion Rising

“Them werewolves is a buncha A-holes!”

From his position in the middle of the bar, Coit Dugger — named, as he was so fond of telling us, after the road where he had been conceived, far on the other side of the Rift — held up a tanker of what passed for the local beer and called for a toast. At least, that’s what he would’ve called it.

Unfortunately for him, he was smack dab in the middle of a werewolf bar.

All around him, ears in various stages of pointy-ness perked up as their owners’ heads swiveled toward my partner.

Well, hell.

Novel Previews: Cursed Magic by Margo Bond Collins & Rebecca Hamilton

Cursed Magic (with Rebecca Hamilton) – Available in Haunted by Magic


Was it in through the mouth, out through the nose? Or the other way around?

Some way or another, breathing was supposed to ease my anxiety. Except it didn’t. I must’ve been doing it wrong. Every breath felt as though I were breathing under water. Which would have been fine if I were a mermaid.

But I’m not.

I’m a witch.

And I was about to find out my fate.


Novel Previews: Underground Magic by N. R. Larry & Margo Bond Collins


Underground Magic (with N. R. Larry) – Available in Myths & Legends

I had never been so afraid of approaching footsteps in my entire life. The fire in front of me cast a black shadow against the gray wall. Aubrey stopped, sighed, and then said, “We have to send in the Anchor.”

An echo of the scream I wanted to release in response to her words rattled around inside my skull. Screaming would do us no good. I pressed my hands against my lips as if in prayer, a ritual that stayed with me from the before times. Something else that would do me no good. Not down here in the Underground.


Novel Previews: Darkness There by Margo Bond Collins

Novel Previews

I’ve got a whole pile of books coming out this year, so I’ll be sharing a few excerpts from the ones in boxed sets over the next few days. Check out the following passages for a hint of what’s in store! (I’m also including cover images where available! 🙂  )

Darkness There (A Shifter Shield Story) – Available in Wayward Magic
“There’s darkness in that one.” The woman sitting on a stool in front of a Magic Mermaid slot machine didn’t quite manage to cover her comment, and Bronwyn Driscoll was reminded of how the old crows back home used to murmur as she slid by, doing her best to remain unnoticed.

This time, the raven-shifter didn’t have to hide. Instead, she stopped, turned around, and backtracked through the slots’ flashing lights, coming to stand directly behind the old woman and the friend to whom she’d spoken.


Life is but a Nightmare by Erin Hayes

Life is but a Nightmare
Erin Hayes
(The Elysium Legacies, #2)
Publication date: February 28th 2017
Genres: Adult, Mythology, Urban Fantasy

The sequel to the genre-bending, hugely imaginative Death is but a Dream.

“There must always be a God of Wealth…”

Former police detective Callie Saunders shouldn’t be alive, but she’s been thriving with her new lease on life away from the machinations of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses.

Yet there’s always been someone missing from this little piece of paradise.

When a vengeful god kidnaps her son, she travels back to a world she barely understands to find him. A world where she must face humanity’s greatest enemies and her former lover. If she’s not careful, she’ll lose her soul again. And, maybe, even her heart.

Goodreads / Amazon

Sequel to:


“If I could…” he whispered. “If I could, I’d hold him tight and never let him go.”

A moment passed between us. A reminder of what we couldn’t have.

“Callista,” he said gently. “Tell him I said hi. Please.”

I chewed the inside of my cheek, but I nodded.

“Callista,” he said, his voice low. “Callista, I’m so sorr—”

I awoke with a gasp on the cot. I grimaced, feeling sore in unfamiliar spots. Paul stirred on his bed, and I quietly laid my head on the thin mattress. I stroked a hand along his arm, watching every bit of him.

My son.

I leaned in to whisper into his ear. I might have been angry at Plutus for everything, but I did know that there were things beyond our control. I understood it, but I didn’t have to like it or accept it. I did decide to give Plutus this peace offering, to let him know that I’d be okay, at least for now. And I wanted to assure Paul, even if it was just his subconscious, that somewhere, his father was thinking about him, that he was worried about him.

“Daddy says hi.”

Author Bio:

Sci-fi junkie, video game nerd, and wannabe manga artist Erin Hayes writes a lot of things. Sometimes she writes books.

She works as an advertising copywriter by day, and she’s an award-winning New York Times Bestselling Author by night. She has lived in New Zealand, Hawaii, Texas, Alabama, and now San Francisco with her husband, cat, and a growing collection of geek paraphernalia.

You can reach her at and she’ll be happy to chat. Especially if you want to debate Star Wars.

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