Mystic Marauder Update! #kickstarter #reverseharem #books #fantasy #paranormal #pirates #romance

We are moving right along with our campaign. This week, we’ve gotten more art in from our artists–in particular, the first character card and the second vellum artwork. Check it out below!

New Artwork

New Stretch Goals

Also, we’ve added a surprise Stretch Goal. When we hit $5500 in pledges, we will include a bonus postcard with the cover art from Book 1 for all merch-level backers and a printable bookmark with the same artwork for all backers.

If you want to help us reach that goal, you can share the project by going to our main page and clicking on the social media icons and/or by entering to win our Premier Swag Pack giveaway!

And finally, we’ve updated our Stretch Goals to include the next listed stretch goal–a set of the merman NSFW or the SFW art printed on vellum (your choice) for merch-level backers.

Mystic Marauder: Vampires & Violence, Pirate’s Treasure Journal, New Art, & More! #kickstarter #books #pirates #vampires #shifters #witches

Hello, everyone! We have several updates today–check them out below!

Stretch Goal #3

We’ve hit our third stretch goal and will be writing Vampires & Violence, the villain’s origin story!

Stretch Goal #4

And our next stretch goal bonus is an exclusive Pirate’s Treasure journal. Everyone will get a printable version, and merch-level backers will get a paperback copy.

Vellum Art #1

We have the first scene from the book for the vellum inserts!

Weekly Bonus

Back the campaign by November 15 and get Winter Wonders, an anthology including a story by Cali Mann!


Don’t forget to enter to win the Premier Swag Pack. Even if you’ve already entered, be sure to check in again–there are new ways to enter!

Publishing on Kickstarter

And the more we all support publishing on Kickstarter, the more authors and publishers can bring you great backing bonuses–so check out these amazing campaigns!

Thanks so much for all your support!

~ Cali & Margo

Mystic Marauder Series: New Artwork, Next Stretch Goal, and An Excerpt #kickstarter #reverseharem #fantasyromance #excerpt

Hello, and happy Monday! Check out the new artwork we’ve gotten and our first excerpt from the Mystic Marauder prequel.

Artwork Update

We are reaching out today to let you know that we are gathering together all the artwork for this series–we have gotten the first piece back from the artist. Check it out below!

We’ll be getting more art in over the next week or two and will share it with you as it comes in.

Next Stretch Goal

We are SO close to the next stretch goal–and once we hit it, we’ll be writing our villain’s vampiric origin story. We’ve had a ton of fun outlining his story!

Share the Campaign

To help us hit that goal, be sure to head over to the campaign and share it on social media. You can also enter to win a Premier Swag Pack in our giveaway by sharing the campaign on social media.

Excerpt from Maps & Massacres, the Mystic Marauder Prequel

Henry St. John, Third Son of the Earl of Northridge

I spent all afternoon at the taverns near the wharf, searching for someone who could provide what I needed. But Father wasn’t the only member of our family with connections. By dinnertime, I had made my arrangements.

My willingness to spend my father’s money with reckless abandon to get what I wanted helped. After all, it wasn’t like I was going to be around to suffer his wrath.

I cashed in several of my own accounts, as well, secreting my wealth in stashes hidden around my body and in the single bag I packed to take with me.

After dark that night, I made my way down to the Port of London. Giant sailing ships crowded the Thames, and it took me longer than I’d anticipated to find The Shadowheart, moored as she was away from the docks.

Finally, I found a dockhand willing to row me out for a few shillings, and we waited in the shadow of the ship. From high above me, I heard a rustling, and then the thump, thump, thump of a rope ladder slapping down beside me. I glanced up to see the face of the sailor I’d met that afternoon peering down over the railing, just long enough to wave a hand at me to hurry up.

The ladder swayed underneath my feet, reminding me of the games I had played in treehouses on my father’s estate when I was a child. I made my way up as quickly as I could, though by the time I reached the top, I wished I had thought to bring gloves. Even my worst riding gloves would have been useful.

The sailor helped me scramble over the railing and onto the deck, then shushed me as I started to thank him. Tugging me along behind him, he led me to a hatch leading belowdecks.

At least this hatch had a ladder made of wood leading down. The hold he led me to was close and dark and dank. It smelled of old seawater and the damp wood of barrels tightly packed, full of grain and alcohol and other goods.

He led me to a back corner where the cargo had been arranged to form a hollow space behind and under crates and barrels. It wasn’t obvious unless you knew it was there. And it wasn’t very big, either—there was just enough space one person to hide in if he curled up to sleep. One end of the hidey-hole stretched tall enough for me to stand straight, but only barely.

“You’ll need to spend the bulk of your time here,” the sailor instructed me. The makeshift cabin held a tin plate, a metal cup, and a single lantern with only the tiniest bit of oil. The sailor gestured at it. “I’ll replenish that as I can, too, but shipboard stores are carefully accounted for—I can’t promise much. You’ll probably want to save the light for later in the journey. I’ll open up the hatch during the day when I can, but sunlight will be even rarer than lamp oil.”

He pulled a few candle stubs out of his pocket. “I nabbed these, too, but the last stowaway we had near went mad, trapped down here all hours of the day and night in the dark with nothing to do but think.”

I nodded, thankful I’d thought to pack a book in my pack—at least I’d have something to while away the few hours of light I managed to get.

“I can bring you food every couple of days,” the sailor continued, “but you’ll need to be careful not to draw attention to yourself. If you do get caught and you’re lucky, the captain won’t toss you overboard immediately.” He shrugged. “Then again, she will put you to work, and you may wish you’d ended up walking the plank. Especially once we get to Australia and she sells you off as an indentured servant—or worse, reports you as a transported criminal just to punish you for stowing away. Much better to hide all the way there and let me sneak you off the ship as a free man, even if you’re an insane one by then.”

I nodded, though my heart was pounding. Was it worth the risk just to avoid going into the clergy?

Yes, I decided. I cannot live a lie.

I pulled a coin out of my purse and handed it to him. I didn’t let him see how much more I had—better, I thought, to pay him in increments than to risk having my throat cut in my sleep if he thought he’d soaked me for all I had. Not that he couldn’t do that and rifle through my lifeless body and belongings, anyway. I had to hope he was more trustworthy than he looked. Or at least greedy enough to hope for more every day.

He gave me a scratchy, rough-smelling blanket, and left me to come to terms with my new quarters.

I settled in for the longest, loneliest journey of my life.

Publishing on Kickstarter

And as always, we have some great campaigns below. Be sure to check them out–remember, the more we all support publishing on Kickstarter, the more awesome backer rewards authors and publishers can offer.

Have a great week and happy reading!

~Cali & Margo

Mystic Marauder Series Stretch Goal 2 #kickstarter #crowdfunding #reverseharem #witches #pirates #shifters #vampires

Hi, everyone!

The Mystic Marauder Kickstarter is well on its way to Stretch Goal #2, the Witchy Pirate Sticker Set–check it out below! Thank you so much for those of you who are already backing the project–we’re super-excited about the Mystic Marauder series.

Stretch Goal #2

Maps & Massacres

We’re also almost ready to reveal the cover for Maps & Massacres, the Mystic Marauder prequel, so keep an eye out here!

Fan Group & Giveaway

There’s also a brand-new Facebook fan group for Shadowheart Media Publishing so you can get all the news as soon as it comes out! Be sure to join us over there. Also, don’t forget to enter to win our giveaway–we’re adding new ways to enter to win, so check it out!

Publishing on Kickstarter

Supporting publishers and authors on Kickstarter allows us to keep bringing you more projects with great new backer rewards, so be sure to click over and share Mystic Marauder on social media. Also, check out these other great publishing projects below.

Mystic Marauder Surprise Bonus! #fantasyromance #reverseharem #pirates #witches #vampires #shifters #kickstarter

Our Kickstarter is less than $15 away from $3500, and we have a surprise bonus waiting for everyone at that point…and we’re going to share it here. 🙂

Surprise Bonus

At $3500, we’ll be giving away character chibis of Destiny and her harem. Check them out below–they’re super-cute! 

Share the Kickstarter

We’d love it if you clicked over to the main page and shared the Kickstarter on social media!

Enter the Giveaway

And remember to enter the giveaway. We’ve added new entry options, so even if you’ve already entered, there are new ways to enter to win! All you have to do is follow and share on social media–and we have the links ready for you

Witchy Pirate Story

We’re currently working on our book, so we’re planning to have an excerpt for you soon. Keep an eye out here!

Publishing on Kickstarter

And as always, backing publishers and authors on Kickstarter keeps the platform viable for new projects! Be sure to check out these amazing projects!

Mystic Marauder Stretch Goal #1 UNLOCKED! Plus: Announcing the next two stretch goals! #kickstarter #pirates #reverseharem #shifters #vampires

Stretch Goal 1 Unlocked

Hi, all! We just unlocked the first stretch goal! Now everyone will be getting a special Pirate Queen Bookmark–digital for everyone and printed foiled bookmarks for merch backers!

Next Two Stretch Goals

We’re also ready to announce our next two stretch goals.

At the $4000 level, we’ll be sending out exclusive witch- and pirate-themed stickers to all merch backers, along with digital versions to all digital backers.

And at the $5000 level, we’ll write a brand-new exclusive villain origin story featuring Thomas Le Baron, the vampire who is hunting Destiny and her crew in the Mystic Marauder series.

And keep an eye out–we may be adding more surprise bonuses as we go!

The Next Weekly Bonus Books

We’re also ready to announce our next weekly bonus book! For everyone who backs the Mystic Marauder series by Oct. 31, we’ll be sending out two ebooks–one on pirates and one on witches. 

The first book is Daniel Defoe’s 1724 book, A General History of the Pyrates.

The second book is an 1885 volume entitled The Witches’ Dream Book and Fortune Teller.


Don’t forget to enter to win in the Mystic Marauder Giveaway!

Publishing Projects on Kickstarter

Again, thank you so much for your support! Remember, the more you support publishing on Kickstarter, the more authors and publishers can offer–so be sure to check out these great campaigns, too!

 Haunted Haven:

The Soul-Eater Trilogy:

The Starlight Chronicles:

The Lycan War Saga:

Mystic Marauder Pirate Party! And more #witch #pirate #reverseharem #historicalfantasy #fantasyromance #paranormalromance #kickstarter

Early-Bird Backer Options End Today

First up: today is the LAST DAY of the Early-Bird Backer Options, so be sure to get yours now!

Online Pirate Party on Friday

Second, we wanted to take a minute to tell you about the Pirate Party happening this Friday (10/21) on Facebook. Cali Mann and Margo Bond Collins will be running the party and we have lots of guest authors lined up for the day, too.

Bring your peg legs and your grog, there’s a Pirate Party happening this Friday, all day in the RHAA+ group. Drop in for the giveaways and the swag, stay for the fun!

Stretch Goal #1 Bonus Ready

We also have our first stretch goal bonus perk ready–and we’re *this close* to hitting it! Check out the foiled bookmark we’ll be sending out to celebrate it:

Get Your Bonuses!

So share this campaign, get your early-bird bonus perks, and enter to win our giveaway, too!

Publishing on Kickstarter

Before you go, be sure to check out these campaigns on Kickstarter, as well.

Two more days to get the Mystic Marauder early-bird specials! Plus more bonuses. #reverseharem #pirates #witches #shifters #vampires #kickstarter #witchstarter #giveaway

Early Bird Discounts Ending in Two Days

First of all, we wanted to remind you that the Early Bird Discounts are available through October 19–if you’ve had your eye on any tiers, now’s the time to grab it!

Stretch Goals

Also, we’re announcing our next stretch goals. As we noted before, the $3000 stretch goal will include special header designs for ebooks (they’re already included in the paperback and hardcover books) and a gold-foiled pirate-themed bookmark for all levels including merch.

At $4000, we’ll be adding special pirate- and witch-themed stickers (physical for merch backers, digital for everyone). And at $5000, we have an amazing bonus for everyone–we’ll share it once we unlock the $3k bonus!

Weekly Bonus

This week, our bonus book is Cali Mann’s short story collection. If you’ve pledged to the campaign already, you’ll get all the bonus books (and we have more coming!). 

Thank you SO MUCH for your support and encouragement! As the campaign continues, we’ll be adding more surprise bonuses to celebrate and share with you, so be sure to spread the word.

While we continue to work on getting everything ready to send to you,  we’d love to know: What would you be interested in seeing as a bonus on this (or any) campaign? Let me know with a comment on this post.


And please do share the info about the series and rewards with a friend. You can share the campaign on social media and enter this giveaway for a chance to win a whole collection of pirate- and witch-themed goodies that aren’t otherwise available in the campaign. 

Don’t forget–YOU can star in a witchy pirate story!

If you pledge before Oct. 19, you can get a story starring YOU added to your swag box without paying anything extra.  (You can still get the bonus story after the 19th, of course–but the early-bird specials are going away then!)

Publishing on Kickstarter

Before you go, check out these fabulous campaigns, too. Backing publishing projects on Kickstarter allows authors and publishers to keep offering great new campaigns!

Thank you!

We’re so excited about this project and will continue adding more bonuses as we go. Please click here and tap one of the share buttons to spread the word about this campaign!

YOU in a Mystic Marauder Story, New Art, & Early Bird Rewards Ending Soon! #fantasyromance #historicalfantasy #reverseharem #Kickstarter

We’re so stinking excited about this project and hope you are too.  We really appreciate your support in bringing Destiny Blade and her pirate mates to life. 

Early Bird Rewards Ending Soon 

Just a heads up that EARLY BIRD rewards are only available for a few more days.  If you want one of these special collections or want to recommend them to a friend, now’s the time.  

New Art 

Do go and check out the new images of the art (both clean and NSFW versions) that are now posted on our Kickstarter page.  We’re so pleased at how they turned out.  We’re sure you’ll agree that they are amazing. 

YOU in a Mystic Marauder Story

In case you missed it, you have a chance to star in a Mystic Marauder story along with getting all the books in paperback or hardcover! 

Other Kickstarter Publishing Projects

Check out these great projects by other authors–backing Kickstarter publishing projects allows authors to keep bringing you more exciting books!

Again, thank you so much for supporting our project!  


Cali & Margo 

Mystic Marauder is a #Kickstarter Project We Love! Plus a #giveaway of #pirate and #magic gear

Hi, all! We’re dropping in to tell you that The Mystic Marauder Series was just named a Kickstarter Project We Love, and it’s all thanks to our readers!

If you haven’t reserved your copy yet, be sure to check out the series!

Keep sharing the project so we can keep adding new Book Booty to the Pirate Treasure, too! 

Your support means everything to us.

We also have a fabulous giveaway for readers just for sharing the Kickstarter–be sure to enter to win!

And the more you support publishing on Kickstarter, the more authors and publishers can offer, so check out these projects, too:

Thanks, and have a fabulous day!

~ Cali & Margo