Vote for Midnight’s Assassins for Cover of the Month! #urbanfantasy #coverofthemonth #allauthor

Midnight’s Assassins (Ilsa Deverell Book 1)

Hey Everyone! I’m excited to tell you that my book has been nominated for the “Cover of the Month” contest on This will help me a lot if I could see some votes coming in, so please remember to vote for my book!


Margo Bond Collins

Captured for the Alien Bride Lottery #newrelease #SFR #scifiromance #excerpt #alienromance

I refused to be in the Bride Lottery—so now I’m a runaway bride.

Somehow, I knew my name was going to be drawn in the Bride Lottery—the hellish agreement that Earth’s leaders had made to sell us to the aliens who protected our planet.

I’d grown up with the propaganda. It was our civic duty. Men registered for the draft, women registered for the Bride Lottery.

No way in hell was I going to be handed over to some giant man to be brutalized into bearing his children.

Instead, I cut out my bio-tracker and walked away from everything.

I should have realized they’d send one of those hulking, brightly colored aliens to track me down and bring me back.

Never did I expect that he’d be devastatingly attractive. Or that we’d have to go on the run from the evil Horde trying to destroy both our planets.

Now that we’re together, can I ever run away again?

And could he really hand me over to the Bride Games to be taken by another warrior?

Because I think I might be falling in love…

Fans of Grace Goodwin, Evangeline Anderson, and Ruby Dixon will love this steamy new series featuring gorgeous, bright alien heroes and the sassy human women they choose as mates!

Every book in the Khanavai Warrior Bride Games series is a standalone romance. Join these brides as they find a whole new world of happily ever afters.

One-click now for hot alien romance!


My choice to run to Chicago had been impulsive and last-minute, so there shouldn’t be anything to lead them to me. Whoever they might be.

But as soon as I stepped off the bus, I knew exactly who they were.

They was an enormous, surprisingly gorgeous, hot-pink-skinned Khanavai male with dark hair and overly developed chest muscles—which I could tell because he was shirtless. Possibly because no one on Earth made shirts big enough to fit him.

Startled, I glanced down the rest of him. Apparently, we didn’t make pants big enough, either. He wore what we had all come to recognize as a traditional Khanavai warrior’s uniform. A kilt-like skirt with a belt and a cross strap made out of some kind of leather, decorated with various symbols of prowess in war.

That was another reason I hadn’t wanted to get involved with the Khanavai—they were too warlike. I had been to war zones when I traveled briefly with Doctors without Borders, and I’d seen what war did to people.

I was a healer, not a fighter. I did not want to be involved with anyone who wielded weapons. In fact, I wasn’t even willing to date police officers here on Earth.

No. If I were ever to get married—which I wouldn’t—I wanted someone gentle and kind.

I couldn’t have spent more than two seconds taking in his appearance. But I completely froze during those two seconds, and apparently, that was enough to catch his attention.

Even worse for me, it was enough to catch the attention of another set of multicolored aliens scattered around the station as if they were trying to blend in. Like that was possible, given their size and colorations.

All four of them began to converge on me, apparently tipped off by my reaction to them—which seemed odd, since I certainly wasn’t the only Greyhound passenger staring at the aliens in our midst.

For all I knew, the big pink guy—presumably their leader, given all of the pins and medals and other symbols he wore on his leather cross strap—gave them orders to capture me by any means necessary.

“Shit,” I muttered to myself, ducking into a women’s bathroom directly inside the entrance to the bus station building and hoping it would be enough to keep them from following me.

It wasn’t, of course.

Seconds later, I was surrounded by leering aliens in all the colors of the rainbow.

Captured for the Alien Bride Lottery, now available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

Midnight’s Assassins by Margo Bond Collins #99c #ebook #preorder #urbanfantasy #kickassheroine #werewolf #giveaway #win

A monster-hunting assassin teams up with a reluctant werewolf to take down the organization that employed her—assuming they don’t kill her first.

Midnight is the poster child of The Organization.

Or she would be if anyone outside The Organization knew about it.

Ten years ago, The Organization plucked Ilsa Deverell out of the latest in a series of terrible foster homes, trained her up to become the perfect monster assassin, and gave her a code name. Ever since then, they’ve had Midnight’s complete loyalty.

Until now.

Faced with an assignment she can’t bring herself to complete, Midnight begins to question The Organization’s goals and motives—and her own role in fulfilling them.

But no one leaves The Organization. Especially not their best monster-hunting assassin.

In order to go up against the very people who trained her, she must reach out to the monsters she’s spent years hunting.

Eventually, she will have to face the monster she’s become. Assuming she survives the assassins her former employer sends after her.

For now, she’s in a race to uncover the one magical item that can take down The Organization—and she’s running out of time.

Bourne meets Supernatural in this addictive urban fantasy adventure, perfect for fans of Ilona Anderson, Faith Hunter, Jennifer Estep, K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer, and Michael Anderle.

One-click now to begin the chase!

Enter to Win the Midnight’s Assassins Giveaway

Tiny and Fierce #excerpt #reverseharem #scifi #alienromance #MFRWHooks

Welcome to this week’s Book Hooks blog hop, sponsored by Marketing for Romance Writers! For my part of the hop, I’m sharing an excerpt from Tiny and Fierce: Her Alien Crew Book 1. Check it out below, then follow the link to the rest of the hop for some great romance books!

Available on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited

In a galaxy where humans are considered the least of all races, she’ll build a crew that adores her strength and style.

When Lise Klein took over her family’s deep-space salvage company, she never expected to stumble through a wormhole into a whole other galaxy full of strange alien races ruled by a cruel empress.

She learns she’s not the first human to wind up there—but the others were captured and sold as slaves. She’ll have to fight to survive.

All she wants is to find a way home. But when she takes on a crew of alien conmen, she finds something truly worth fighting for.

Now, to stay alive, they may have to free the entire system. Luckily for all of them, Lise may be little, but she’s tough.

Her Alien Crew is a slow-burn sci fi reverse harem romance featuring a fae prince with a giant ego and a smart mouth, an insectoid Chilchek warrior with a sensitive soul, and a mysterious, brooding fighter with the wings of a dragonfly—plus an illegally enhanced AI ship captained by one tiny human with room enough in her heart for them all.

Fans of Ruby Dixon, Anna Zaires, and Rebecca Royce will love this hot new whychoose sci-fi romance.


“You’re a cheat and a liar!”

I didn’t turn to find the source of the voice. It had nothing to do with me.

After a heartbeat, I realized the translation running from The Bluebird to the communication device implanted behind my ear didn’t come with its usual delay.

“Way to go, Blue,” I whispered. “You’re getting better at this.”

My ship’s AI snorted in my ear. “I didn’t translate that.”

Frowning, I spun around on my too-tall barstool, designed for creatures much larger than any human. In the corner of the spaceport bar, a Chilchek warrior unfolded himself to his full height—easily seven feet, not counting his pincer horns. Those added at least another three feet to his height.

Even in the dim lighting preferred by most of the bar’s patrons, the royal blue of the Chilchek’s chitinous body gleamed, the color a sure sign that he was male. The facets of his eyes twirled in shades of blue and green. He lifted all four of the legs—arms?—attached to his thorax and pointed them at the man he was facing off against.

Man. As in human male.

I gasped, my eyes widening. No wonder Blue hadn’t had to translate his speech.

A series of clicks and snaps came from the mandibles around the Chilcheck’s mouth. A heartbeat later, Blue’s translation came through. You dare dishonor my colony name? I will squash you like the tiny bug you are.

Bug? That was a bit rich, coming from a Chilchek. I bit down on a giggle and leaned in closer to watch the drama unfolding before me.

The Chilchek leaned forward over the table, looming over the man, who glanced around nervously before taking a step back, giving me a clear look at his face.

And oh, my hot, heavenly stars, he was gorgeous.

Not just because he was the first human I’d seen in months and months.

No, he was flat-out handsome. Dark hair, wide luminous eyes, full lips, high cheekbones.

Quit it, Lise, I scolded myself. No matter how long I’d been stuck here, I wasn’t in this freakshow of an alien bar looking to get laid. I needed a crew.

The Chilchek dropped all four forelegs onto the table, scattering the cards and currency that presumably made up the game they had been playing moments before.

Taking another step back, the human finally replied, raising his own arms as if to ward off the alien warrior. “Fine. If you say you weren’t cheating, then there’s no problem. I don’t want any trouble.”

Most of the players had pulled back from the table and were now, along with the rest of the bar’s patrons, focused on the confrontation.

Any second now, one of the two combatants would lunge for the other and the whole place would erupt in fighting. Time to get out.

I tossed some coins on the table to pay for my drink—Blue had translated its name as a Galactic Blaster—and dropped off the stool to stand on the sticky metal floor beneath. But as I turned to leave, I noticed one of the players step in closer to the table. This one looked more human than not, but built on a bigger scale. And with beautiful, multicolored metal wings on his back. He wore an eyepatch over one eye. With his single good eye, he shot a glance at the human, who gave an almost imperceptible nod.

What was going on here?

With an audible screech of his mandibles, the Chilchek scuttled across the table, employing all six of his appendages as legs, his pincer horns snapping closed inches from the man’s face.

Cursing, the human picked up a nearby chair and swung it toward the Chilchek.

The rest of the bar exploded, everyone drunk and itching for a fight.

The butterfly guy, though, took advantage of the distraction and swept all the currency off the table and into a bag.

Another alien staggered back from a blow someone had landed on its face and bumped into me, almost sitting in my lap. I pushed it off me and focused on the two who had started this bar brawl. They were still lunging, but neither had made contact.

This was a setup. They planned it all.

Without stopping to second-guess myself, I ducked and wove through the reeling crowd until I reached the back-entrance butterfly guy had slipped out through.

If my guess was right, I might have just found the crew I’d been looking for.

* * *

Download Tiny and Fierce Now!

Click here for the rest of the Book Hooks blog hop!

Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection #newrelease #reverseharem #romance #99c #iBooks #Nook #Amazon

Wicked Souls is on sale through this weekend only! Get 30 hot reverse harem romances for only 99c!

Something Wicked this way comes. Don’t miss it!

Dark delights. Wicked spells. Damned souls and spirits seeking revenge. On All Hallows’ Eve when the veil is thin, all manner of wicked souls come out to play.

Denizens of night dance in a frenzy. Stolen hearts beat like the pounding of a thousand drums. The rhythm of love vies with the rhyme of magic and the melody of mischief.

Do you want to join in?

Get your copy today and devour these reverse harem romance stories by today’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling and hot new authors. They’ll shake your soul, rattle your heart, and satisfy your darkest desires.

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In the darkness lie all things tantalizing, enthralling, and even wicked.

Come see what others sold their soul to gain. This collection will take you by the hand and hold you in its grip deep into the night. Every story will leave you breathless and wanting more.

But beware, once you turn the page, you’ll never want to stop.

Join demons, devils, shifters, witches, wayward souls and more in these amazing reverse harem romances, where no one gets left out.

Why choose when you can have it all?

30 reverse harem romances to tempt your dark side.

One-click Wicked Souls now!

Tiny and Fierce by Margo Bond Collins and Eli Constant #NewRelease #reverseharem #alienromance #sfr

Tiny and Fierce releases Monday, October 5!

When Lise Klein took over her family’s deep-space salvage company, she never expected to stumble through a wormhole into a whole other galaxy full of strange alien races ruled by a cruel empress.

She learns she’s not the first human to wind up there—but the others were captured and sold as slaves. She’ll have to fight to survive.

All she wants is to find a way home. But when she takes on a crew of alien conmen, she finds something truly worth fighting for.

Now, to stay alive, they may have to free the entire system. Luckily for all of them, Lise may be little, but she’s tough.

Her Alien Crew is a slow-burn sci fi reverse harem romance featuring a fae prince with a giant ego and a smart mouth, an insectoid Chilchek warrior with a sensitive soul, and a mysterious, brooding fighter with the wings of a dragonfly—plus an illegally enhanced AI ship captained by one tiny human with room enough in her heart for them all.

Fans of Ruby Dixon, Anna Zaires, and Rebecca Royce will love this hot new whychoose sci-fi romance .

One-click Tiny and Fierce now!

Blood Bound by Becca Blake #newrelease #grimdark #fantasy #vampires #urbanfantasy

Blood Debt, Book 2 of the Reign of Blood trilogy by USA Today Bestselling Author Becca Blake

If Miria and Azalea want to save each other, they’ll have to save themselves first.

Azalea Nydira has never been a good liar, but she’ll have to become one to survive being the blood servant of Lord Nero Cineris. For the first time in her life, she’s on her own, without Miria or any other allies. After betraying Nero, she must regain his trust and find a way to gain influence in a treacherous vampire court. With a resistance rising among the vampires of Terra Nocturne, Azalea must decide where her loyalties lie.

If she can turn Nero’s own court against him, can she escape the bond that ties them together? Or will embracing their bond prove stronger than their enemies?

Miria Delien spent her life trying to escape from Terra Nocturne, but now that she’s been exiled, she’s desperate to return. After her bloodlust as a newborn vampire exposes her, she’s on the run, and nowhere is safe. Her only hope to return to Terra Nocturne is to ally herself with a rival vampire clan that seeks to conquer the city and destroy the vampire king. But if they succeed in taking Terra Nocturne away from Nero, their cruel reign over the elven people will be far more sadistic than his.

Is Miria’s thirst for revenge stronger than her desire for justice for her people?

True Blood and Harlots meet Game of Thrones in Blood Debt. Fans of grimdark fantasy will love the gritty world of Becca Blake’s Reign of Blood Trilogy.

Available on Amazon

Get Book 1 of the Blood Reign Trilogy!

New Covers for the Alien Bride Lottery series! #alienromance #sfr #ebook

The Khanavai Warrior Bride Series, featuring the Alien Bride Lottery books, has a brand-new look! Check out the new covers, and read more about Entered in the Alien Bride Lottery below.

There are a million ways to end up in the Alien Bride Lottery. But it takes only one.

Every unmarried female human over the age of 21 gets entered once a year. You can also accept extra entries for legal infractions—instead of paying a parking fine, for example, you can request an extra entry. Lots of women do that. I mean, why not? The chances are astronomical that your name will get chosen to be one of the hundred or so women who get shipped off to space every year.

And even if your name is drawn, the odds are slim that you’ll match up with an alien who’s looking for a mate.

Most of the lottery-drawn women come back to Earth every year and resume their lives as if nothing changed.

But some don’t.

And no matter what, getting drawn in the Lottery means you have to compete in the Bride Games.

Guess that’s where I’m heading now.

I only hope I can avoid catching the eye of one of the giant, rainbow-hued brutes whose mission is to protect Earth—and who can claim me as a mate.

All because I was Entered in the Alien Bride Lottery…

Fans of Grace Goodwin, Laurann Dohner, and Ruby Dixon will love this steamy new series featuring gorgeous, bright alien heroes and the sassy human women they choose as mates!

Every book in the Khanavai Warrior Bride Games series is a standalone romance. Join these brides as they find a whole new world of happily ever afters.

One-click now for hot alien romance!

Preorder Books 2 and 3, too!

Fairy, Texas #free #ebook #ya #pnr #urbanfantasy

Get Fairy, Texas FREE on Amazon through 9/19

Laney Harris thinks there might be monsters in Fairy, Texas. She’s right.

When her mother remarried and moved them to a town where a date meant hanging out at the Sonic, Laney figured that “boring” would have a whole new meaning.

A new stepsister who despises her and a high school where she’s the only topic of gossip are bad enough. But when she met the school counselor (and his terminal bad breath), things get weird. Especially since he had wings that only she could see.

And then there are Josh and Mason, two gorgeous glimmering-eyed classmates whose interest in her might not be for the reasons she hopes. Not to mention that dead guy she trips over in gym class.

To survive in this small town, she’ll have to learn to wing it.

Fans of Cassandra Clare and Richelle Mead will love the blend of urban fantasy and sweet romance in this paranormal adventure!

One-click now.

CRACKED! #anthology #chickens #shifterromance #pnr

Get CRACKED: An Anthology of Eggsellent Chicken Stories

EXCERPT FROM “Chickening Out” by Margo Bond Collins

I have to get away from this guy before I make a fool of myself.

Grabbing her hand away from her new neighbor—my enormous, muscular, gorgeous, isn’t wearing a shirt, and oh my God he smells amazing new neighbor—would be rude.

But he had stopped doing anything like a normal handshake and was rubbing his thumb gently against the skin on the back of her hand, all the while gazing at her face with an awestruck expression. Where his skin touched hers, tiny tingles of awareness sparked through her.

She needed to add amazing ice-blue eyes and hot-as-hell touch to her list of his appealing attributes.

After a few seconds, he shook himself out of his daze and dropped her hand. Or rather, lowered it gently, as if he were afraid she might break if he didn’t handle her carefully.

A sudden vision of him running his hand over her naked hip flashed through her mind.

Her cheeks heated up and she turned away, hoping he didn’t notice. “Nice to meet you,” she mumbled as she pushed her apartment door wider.

“Wait,” he said, his voice rumbling out from deep inside his bare—strong, wide, muscular, amazing—chest.

She glanced back at him and her eyes dropped to the jeans he wore slung low on his hipbones.

Eyes. Look at his eyes, Tori.

Certain her whole face was flaming red by now, she met his gaze.

“Would you go to dinner with me?”

* * *

Download CRACKED: An Anthology of Eggsellent Chicken Stories

Chickens Land on Mars…

But what happens when authors have too much free time on their hands?

A challenge.

Craft a story featuring our favorite feathered raptors: the CHICKEN.


Twenty authors deliver in some unexpected ways and live to crow about it.

From chickens in space to cozy murder mystery farm yards to schools of magickal thought…

Includes guardian angels, chicken shifters, aliens, and feathered matchmakers,

Maybe even a non-fiction adventure or two… and more!

These amazing chickens come from the minds of twenty cooped-up authors on the edge of cracking…

Read CRACKED: An Anthology of Eggsellent Chicken Stories